#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import os
from requests import HTTPError
from typing import List
from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
from chatgpt.authentication import OpenAIAuthentication
from chatgpt.sessions import HTTPSession, HTTPTLSSession
from chatgpt.utils import get_utc_now_datetime
from .errors import ChatgptError, ChatgptErrorCodes
from tls_client.sessions import TLSClientExeption
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
[docs]class Conversation:
DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME = "text-davinci-002-render"
DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = "config.json"
__environment = os.environ.get(DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT_CHATGPT_HOME)
if __environment:
__environment = str(Path(__environment).absolute())
DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH = os.path.join(__environment, DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH)
DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(__environment, DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH)
_email: str = None
_password: str = None
_access_token: str = None
_access_token_seconds_to_expire: int = DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECONDS_TO_EXPIRE
_access_token_expire: datetime = None
_chatgpt_session_expire: datetime = None
_conversation_id: str = None
_parent_message_id: str = None
_model_name: str = DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME
_config_path = None
_cache_file_path = None
_cache_file = True
_tls_session: HTTPTLSSession = None
_openai_authentication: OpenAIAuthentication = None
_cookies = {}
_proxy = None
_timeout = None
_default_file_config = {
"conversation_id": None,
"parent_message_id": None,
"access_token": None,
"email": None,
"password": None,
def __init__(
config_path: str = None,
access_token: str = None,
access_token_seconds_to_expire: int = None,
email: str = None,
password: str = None,
conversation_id: str = None,
parent_message_id: str = None,
proxy: str = None,
timeout: int = None,
cache_file: bool = True,
cache_file_path: str = None
config_path (str, optional): Configuration path from where information is going to be loaded. If a path is provided it will load the configuration into the attributes of Conversation. Defaults to None.
access_token (str, optional): Access token used to authenticate into openai chatbot. Defaults to None.
email (str): Email address. Defaults to None.
password (str): Password. Defaults to None.
conversation_id (str, optional): Conversation id with which the conversation starts. Defaults to None.
parent_message_id (str, optional): Parent id with which the conversation starts. Defaults to None.
proxy (str, optional): Proxy to use for requests. Defaults to None.
timeout (int, optional): Timeout duration in seconds.
if config_path is not None:
elif os.path.exists(self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH):
if cache_file_path is None and self._cache_file_path is None:
self._cache_file_path = self.DEFAULT_CACHE_PATH
if os.path.exists(self._cache_file_path):
if access_token is not None:
self._access_token = access_token
if email is not None:
self._email = email
if password is not None:
self._password = password
if self._conversation_id is None:
self._conversation_id = conversation_id
if self._parent_message_id is None:
self._parent_message_id = parent_message_id
if cache_file is False:
self._cache_file = False
if proxy is not None:
self._proxy = proxy
if timeout is not None:
self._timeout = timeout
if access_token_seconds_to_expire is not None:
self._access_token_seconds_to_expire = access_token_seconds_to_expire
self._tls_session = HTTPTLSSession(
timeout=self._timeout, proxy=self._proxy, cookies=self._cookies)
self._session = HTTPSession(
timeout=self._timeout, proxy=self._proxy, cookies=self._cookies)
self._openai_authentication = OpenAIAuthentication(self._tls_session)
def __remove_none_values(self, d):
if not isinstance(d, dict):
return d
new_dict = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if v is not None:
new_dict[k] = self.__remove_none_values(v)
return new_dict
def _set_access_token_expiration(self, seconds: int = None):
"""Set an expiration time for the access_token..
days (int): Days for token expiration.
if seconds is None:
seconds = self._access_token_seconds_to_expire
self._access_token_expire = get_utc_now_datetime() + timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def _process_chatgpt_session(self, session_info):
if session_info is not None and "accessToken" in session_info:
self._access_token = session_info["accessToken"]
self._cookies = self._tls_session.cookies
if "." in session_info["expires"]:
session_info["expires"] = session_info["expires"].split(".")[
0] + "+00:00"
self._chatgpt_session_expire = datetime.fromisoformat(
return session_info
raise ChatgptError("Failed obtaining the access token. Please retry.",
[docs] def login(self, email, password):
"""Login to the openai and return the token
email (str): Email to login into openai chatgpt
password (str): Password to login into openai chatgpt
self._email = email
self._password = password
session_info = self._openai_authentication.login(email, password)
return self._process_chatgpt_session(session_info)
[docs] def get_session(self):
"""Get chatgpt actual session
session_info = self._openai_authentication.get_session()
return self._process_chatgpt_session(session_info)
[docs] def load_config(self, config_path: str = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH):
"""Load Conversation attributes by reading from a file
config_path (str, optional): Name of the file from where to read attributes from. Defaults to config.json.
if config_path is None:
config_path = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH
if os.path.exists(config_path):
self._config_path = config_path
config = {}
with open(config_path, "r") as f:
for key, value in config.items():
if value is not None:
if key == "access_token_expiration":
self._access_token_expire = datetime.fromisoformat(
elif key == "chatgpt_session_expire":
self._chatgpt_session_expire = datetime.fromisoformat(
elif hasattr(self, "_{}".format(key)):
setattr(self, "_{}".format(key), value)
return config
except Exception as e:
raise ChatgptError("Error loading the configuration file in \"{}\"".format(self._config_path),
ChatgptErrorCodes.CONFIG_FILE_ERROR) from e
[docs] def write_cache(self, cache_path: str = None):
"""Write the conversation attributes inside a file.
cache_path (str, optional): Path where to write the data for caching purposes. Defaults to .chatgpt.
if self._cache_file and self._cache_file_path is not None:
if cache_path is not None:
self._cache_file_path = cache_path
access_token_expiration = None
chatgpt_session_expiration = None
if self._access_token_expire is not None:
access_token_expiration = self._access_token_expire.isoformat()
if self._chatgpt_session_expire is not None:
chatgpt_session_expiration = self._chatgpt_session_expire.isoformat()
config = {
"conversation_id": self._conversation_id,
"parent_message_id": self._parent_message_id,
"cookies": self._cookies,
"access_token": self._access_token,
"access_token_expiration": access_token_expiration,
"chatgpt_session_expire": chatgpt_session_expiration
with open(self._cache_file_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(config, f, indent=4)
except Exception as e:
raise ChatgptError("Error writing the configuration file",
ChatgptErrorCodes.CONFIG_FILE_ERROR) from e
[docs] def stream(self, message: List[str], retry_on_401: bool = True, only_new_characters: bool = True):
"""Generator that allows you to retrieve messages as you are receiving them.
message (List[str]): Message or list of messages to send to the server.
retry_on_401 (bool, optional): Retry login if it fails. Defaults to True.
str: The text of the message as you are receiving it.
stream_text_result = ""
chunk_buffer = ""
response = self.chat(message, retry_on_401, True, True)
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
chunk_buffer += chunk.decode("utf-8").replace("data: ", "")
chunk_arr = chunk_buffer.split("}\n\n")
if not chunk_arr[-1].endswith("}\n\n"):
chunk_buffer = chunk_arr[-1]
len_arr = len(chunk_arr)
if len_arr > 1:
if chunk_arr[0] == "[DONE]":
for i in range(0, len_arr - 1):
data = json.loads(chunk_arr[i] + "}")
message = data["message"]
parts = message["content"]["parts"]
self._parent_message_id = message["id"]
self._conversation_id = data["conversation_id"]
if parts:
if only_new_characters:
yield parts[0].replace(stream_text_result, "")
yield parts[0]
stream_text_result = parts[0]
except Exception as e:
[docs] def chat(self, message: List[str], retry_on_401: bool = True, direct_response: bool = False, stream=False):
"""Send a message and wait for the server to fully answer to return the message.
message (List[str]): Message or list of messages to send to the server.
retry_on_401 (bool, optional): Retry login if it fails. Defaults to True.
direct_response (bool, optional): Return the response of request instead of the parsed message. Defaults to False.
stream (bool, optional): Execute chat with stream. Note that you will be better off by using stream since it does the processing for you. Defaults to False.
if self._parent_message_id is None:
self._parent_message_id = str(uuid())
if isinstance(message, str):
message = [message]
if self._access_token_expire is not None:
if self._access_token_expire < get_utc_now_datetime():
if self._access_token is None:
if self._cookies and self._chatgpt_session_expire:
if self._chatgpt_session_expire > get_utc_now_datetime():
if self._access_token is None and self._email and self._password:
self.login(self._email, self._password)
if self._access_token is None:
raise ChatgptError(
"No access token. Please, provide an access_token or email and password through the constructor/config file.", ChatgptErrorCodes.INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN)
self._message_id = str(uuid())
url = "https://chat.openai.com/backend-api/conversation"
payload = {
"action": "next",
"messages": [
"id": self._message_id,
"role": "user",
"content": {
"content_type": "text",
"parts": message
"conversation_id": self._conversation_id,
"parent_message_id": self._parent_message_id,
"model": self._model_name
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self._access_token),
"Content-Type": "application/json",
payload = json.dumps(self.__remove_none_values(payload))
response = self._session.request(
"POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers, stream=stream)
if direct_response:
return response
payload = response.text
last_item = payload.split(("data:"))[-2]
result = json.loads(last_item)
self._parent_message_id = self._message_id
self._conversation_id = result["conversation_id"]
text_items = result["message"]["content"]["parts"]
text = "\n".join(text_items)
postprocessed_text = text.replace(r"\n+", "\n")
return postprocessed_text
except HTTPError as ex:
exception_message = "Unknown error"
exception_code = ChatgptErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_ERROR
error_code = ex.response.status_code
reason = ex.response.content
if error_code in [401, 409]:
self._access_token = None
if retry_on_401:
if (self._email and self._password):
self.login(self._email, self._password)
return self.chat(message, False)
exception_message = "Please, provide a new access_token through the constructor, by loading the configuration file with a proper access_token or instead, you can provide an email and password."
exception_code = ChatgptErrorCodes.INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN
elif error_code == 403:
exception_message = str(reason).split(
elif error_code == 500:
exception_message = reason
exception_message = json.loads(reason)["detail"]
if error_code == 429:
exception_message = exception_message + \
". You may need to reset the actual conversation."
except ValueError:
exception_message = reason
except ChatgptError as ex:
exception_message = ex.message
exception_code = ex.code
if exception_code == ChatgptErrorCodes.LOGIN_ERROR or exception_code == ChatgptErrorCodes.TIMEOUT_ERROR and retry_on_401:
return self.chat(message, False, direct_response=direct_response, stream=stream)
except TLSClientExeption as ex:
exception_message = str(ex)
exception_code = ChatgptErrorCodes.TIMEOUT_ERROR
except Exception as e:
exception_message = str(e)
exception_code = ChatgptErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_ERROR
raise ChatgptError(
exception_message, exception_code)
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Reset the conversation
self._message_id = None
self._parent_message_id = None
self._conversation_id = None
[docs] def clean_auth(self):
"""Clean the current authentication information
self._access_token = None
self._cookies = None
self._access_token = None
self._chatgpt_session_expire = None
self._access_token_expire = None